About the Norman Nicholson SocietyPortrait of Norman Nicholson by Ray Troll
WHO'S WHOPresident: Lord Bragg of Wigton
Life Vice-Presidents: David Boyd, Neil Curry, Kathleen Jones Acting Chair: Brian Whalley Secretary: Glenn Lang Editor of Comet & the Society's representative on the Alliance of Literary Societies: Dr Antoinette Fawcett Treasurer: Brian Charnley Membership Secretary: Brian Whalley Schools & Community Liaison Officer: Sue Dawson Youth Rep: Laura Day Committee & the Society's deputy rep on the Alliance of Literary Societies: Glenn Lang Committee: Simone Faulkner, Jonathan Powell Press Officer & Media Editor: Charlie Lambert (email [email protected]) Our constitutionThe Society's constitution can be seen here.
The Norman Nicholson Society was formed in 2006 with the aim of educating the public in, and promoting the works of, Norman Nicholson.
We organise and support events and special projects which promote appreciation of Norman's work. We facilitate communication and the exchange of ideas between all who have a mutual interest in Norman's life and work. We also seek to encourage creative reflection upon locality in accordance with Norman's example. The Society is pro-active in establishing links with schools and universities and is open to funding opportunities to enable us to expand this work. We are grateful to those funders who have supported us: the Britten-Pears Foundation for enabling us to commission a new piece of work by the composer Harry Whalley as part of our celebrations of Norman Nicholson's centenary in 2014; the Heritage Lottery Fund for a £10,000 grant in 2017 to pay for a feasibility study and architect's plans with regard to our project to buy Nicholson's old house; Arts Council England, Millom Town Council and Millom CGP Trust for supporting the biennial Norman Nicholson Festival. |
MediaThe Society's media editor is Charlie Lambert. Media enquiries are welcome to [email protected]
Previous media coverage of the Society here. Data protection policyNew data protection regulations, know as GDPR, came into effect in the UK on May 25th 2018. The Society reviewed and updated its data protection policy which can be seen here.
Join the SocietyNew members are warmly welcomed. Membership fees are £15 per annum or £20 for a couple living at the same address, and £6 youth membership (up to age 25). Please contact us via the Contact page.
Antoinette Fawcett talking about the formation of the Society and its ongoing work HERE |